

The partnership convened in Athens, Greece on the 8 and 9 of June 2017 for the 1st transnational meeting of the project. The meeting was hosted by one of the Greek partners, the Institute of Labour of the General Confederation of Greek Workers (INE/GSEE), and it was attended by representatives of all participant organizations. It was an interactive meeting characterized by dynamic and open discussions, which were held within a positive spirit of collaboration, teamwork and respect. A briefing on the progress of the initial phase of implementation was first held by the Coordinator of the project. The representative of INEK-PEO informed the group on the completed actions and the outstanding commitments showed by the partners during these first months. The Dissemination Plan as well the Quality Assurance Guide were also presented and discussed among the partners. Additionally, the progress of the implementation of the first work-package has been presented by the leading organization. The group discussed the difficulties faced during the initial implementation process and set an updated timeframe in order to fully complete all scheduled activities of the first work-package. Furthermore, the leading organizations of the following work-packages, starting in June 2017, presented their action plans, the content and thematic units 0f each sub-activity and their implementation timeline. Finally, the Evaluator of the project, Iriv Conseil from France, presented and discussed with the group the Evaluation Action Plan and its pertinent evaluation activities. The Iriv Conseil’s representative also presented the preliminary evaluation findings on the implementation of the first work-package and requested all partners to provide an additional feedback during the meeting in Athens.


The kick-off meeting of the project was held in Nicosia, Cyprus on 18 November, 2016, hosted by the Cyprus Labour Institute (INEK-PEO). Its main purpose was to build a strong team spirit among the partnership and to ensure that all participant organizations and individuals working in the project have a good understanding of the project, its planned activities and the timeline directions for their implementation. The meeting also aimed to generate support for the implementation of the project’s activities by equally involving all consortium members since a very early planning stage. In this way, participants had the opportunity to ask questions, to clarify assumptions and to identify potential threats and problems. Furthermore, the meeting aimed to remind all participants of their individual contractual commitments to the project. Finally, the meeting also meant to explain the financial, budgeting and administrative regulations, restrictions and arrangements specified by the project.

Erasmus+ programme “Former les partenaires sociaux à la Diversité dans les Petites et Moyennes Entreprises (PME)”.

L’équipe du projet MigrAID est heureuse que son projet déposé dans le cadre du programme Erasmus+ et intitulé “Former les partenaires sociaux à la Diversité dans les PME” ait été accepté par l’Agence nationale Chypriote (IDEP). Le partenariat est constitué de huit organisations pertinentes sur le sujet, issues de 5 pays européens: Chypre, Grèce, Italie, France et Danemark. L’Institut chypriote du Travail (INEK-PEO) est le chef de file du projet; les autres partenaires sont:  (1) Action pour l’Egalité, le Soutien et l’Antiracisme (KISA), à Chypre, (2) l’Institut du Travail de la Confédération Générale des travailleurs grecs (INE/GSEE), en Grèce, (3) la Confédération grecque des artisans (IME/GSEVEE), en Grèce, (4) l’Université de Milan (UMIL), en Italie, (5) l’organisme de formation Enaip Veneto Impresa Sociale (ENAIP Veneto I.S.), en Italie, (6) Iriv Conseil, en France et (7) Videnscenter for Integration, au Danemark.

La durée du projet est de 34 mois à partir du 1er Octobre 2016 avec un budget de 361.480.00 euros répartis entre les partenaires. Le projet est dédié à l’intégration des travailleurs migrants travaillant dans les Petites et Moyennes Entreprises (PME) et à la promotion de la Diversité grâce à des programmes de formation  s’adressant aux communautés de migrants dans les 5 pays et des acteurs clés, syndicats d’employés et d’employeurs. En complément, le projet conduira des recherches innovantes et interconnectées auprès des PME, une conférence internationale et plusieurs autres événements.